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There are many variations of products.

Alfalfa Lucerne

Common Names: Alfalfa Botanical: Medicago sativa Family: Legumes

Uses And Benefits:

  • Alfalfa is used for kidney conditions, bladder and prostate conditions, and to increase urine flow. It is also used for high cholesterol, asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, upset stomach, and a bleeding disorder called thrombocytopenic purpura.
  • People also take alfalfa as a source of vitamins A, C, E, and K4; and minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorous, and iron.
  • Alfalfa has been shown to help lower cholesterol, and may also have benefits for blood sugar control and relieving symptoms of menopause. People also take it for its high content of antioxidants, vitamins C and K, copper, folate and magnesium. Alfalfa is also extremely low in calories.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)

Arabic Gum Powder

Common Names: Arabic Gum Powder Botanical: Acacia: Acacia senegal Family: Fabaceae

Uses And Benefits:

  • Production: Gum Arabic is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paints, glues, cosmetics, Ceramics, Food and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries, though less expensive materials compete with it for many of these roles.
  • It's used primarily in the food industry and soft-drink industry as a stabilizer.

Packing: customize/25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)

Arabic Gum-Natural

Common Names: Arabic Gum - Natural Botanical: Acacia: Acacia senegal Family: Fabaceae

Uses And Benefits:

  • Production: Gum Arabic is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paints, glues, cosmetics, Ceramics, Food and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries, though less expensive materials compete with it for many of these roles.
  • It's used primarily in the food industry and soft-drink industry as a stabilizer.

Packing: customize/25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)

Black Pepper

Botanical: Piper nigrum L. Family: Piperaceae

Uses and Benefits:

  • Pepper is largely used by meat packers and in canning, pickling, baking, considering for its preservative value. It has the ability to correct the seasoning of dishes, therefore used as a final dash at the end of cooking to effectively adjust the flavor.
  • It is an important component of culinary seasoning of universal use and is an essential ingredient of numerous commercial foodstuffs. It is also used as an ingredient in spice mixes.
  • Other products in use are pepper oil, oleoresin, micro encapsulated pepper, green pepper in brine, dehydrated green pepper, frozen pepper, etc. Black pepper is an essential ingredient in the Indian system of medicine. Piperine, the pungent principle in pepper oleoresin helps to enhance bio-availability and therefore used in pharmaceuticals.
  • The major functional properties of pepper are analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-oxidant, and anti-microbial.
  • People inhale black pepper oil to prevent falls, to help quit smoking, and for trouble swallowing.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 8 ~ 10MT (Approx)


Common Names: Chickpea, chickpea, Egyptian bean, gram pea, Bengal gram. Botanical: Cicer arietinum Family: Legumes

Uses And Benefits: Though mainly cultivated for its edible seeds, Cajanus cajan can be considered a multipurpose species. Pigeon pea stems are a good fuel source, valued for pigeon pea's fast-growing habit, though their energy value is half that of charcoal. Stems and branches of pigeon pea are also used for basketry. Among other uses of pigeon pea, trials have shown a potential use as a raw material for paper pulp. Pigeon pea also contributes to the environment through its use in alley cropping and as a windbreak, cover crop, shade plant and green manure.

It uses in animal feeding. The leaves and pods are valuable and palatable protein-rich fodder. Leaves are sometimes used to replace alfalfa in ruminant diets where alfalfa cannot be grown. Seed processing by-products, and sometimes the whole seeds, are used as livestock feed. The seeds can be fed to poultry and, in Hawaii, mixtures of pigeon pea with maize grain were successful. Bees actively feed on pigeon pea and produce honey with a distinctive color (greenish) in the comb. Pigeon pea is also a good host for lac insects and silkworms. Plant breeders have bred varieties adapted to drier conditions, more resistant to disease and suited to different production systems and cropping cycles.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)

Cluster Bean

Common Names: cluster bean Botanical: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Family: Legumes

Uses And Benefits:

  • Cluster bean seeds are dried and grounded into guar gum. This flour is used as a thickening agent instead of gelatin in ice-creams, cheese and sauces. Very rich in dietary fiber, cluster bean offers heart health benefits.
  • Full of Nutrients, Resolve anemia, Great for Diabetics, Beneficial for the cardio health, Make Bone Strong, Better Blood Circulation, Helps manage blood pressure, Stimulates bowel movement, Calms the brain.
  • Cluster bean seed (endosperm) is a source of a natural hydrocolloid (galactomannan/'guar gum'). The gum has unique abilities with multiple commercial applications like textile, printing, paper, cosmetics, mining, pharmaceutical, petroleum, natural gas, well drilling and oil industries.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)


Common Names: Copra - (Dried Coconut Kernels) Botanical: Cocos nucifera Family: Arecaceae

Uses And Benefits:

  • Production: Copra has traditionally been grated and ground, then boiled in water to extract coconut oil. It was used by Pacific island cultures and became a valuable commercial product for merchants.  Nowadays, coconut oil (70%) is extracted by crushing copra; the by-product is known as copra cake or copra meal (30%).
  • Animal feed: Copra meal is used as for horses and cattle. Its high oil and protein levels are fattening for stock. The protein in copra meal has been heat treated and provides a source of high-quality protein for cattle, sheep and deer.

Packing: customize/25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)


Botanical: Cuminum cyminum L Family: Apiaceae

Uses and Benefits: Cumin seeds have an aromatic odor and bitter taste. It is used as a condiment and an ingredient in curry powders, bread, cakes, and cheese seasonings. Using as a spice increases antioxidant intake, promotes digestion, provides iron, may improve blood sugar control, and may reduce food-borne illnesses. Cumin seed oil is used in perfumery and for flavoring liqueurs and cordials.

Packing: customize/ 15kg/ 25 kg/ 50 kg paper / pp bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 17 MT (Approx) 40 Feet 25 ~ 27 MT (Approx)


Botanical: Foeniculum vulgare Miller Family: Apiaceae

Uses and Benefits:

  • The leaves of fennel is used for garnishing. Leaves and stalks are used in salads. It is an essential ingredient in Italian sausages, widely used to sprinkle on pizza. Dried fruits have a fragrant odor and pleasant aromatic taste and therefore used as a masticatory. They are also used for flavoring soups, meat dishes, sauces, pastries, confectionaries, and liquors. The fruits are aromatic, stimulant, and carminative.
  • Fennel is used for various digestive problems including heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating, loss of appetite, and colic in infants. It is also used for upper respiratory tract infections, coughs, bronchitis, cholera, backache, bedwetting, and visual problems.
  • Some women use fennel for increasing the flow of breast milk, promoting menstruation, easing the birthing process, and increasing sex drive.
  • Fennel powder is used as a poultice for snakebites.
  • In foods and beverages, fennel oil is used as a flavoring agent.
  • In other manufacturing processes, fennel oil is used as a flavoring agent in certain laxatives, and as a fragrance component in soaps and cosmetics.

Packing: customize/ 10kg/ 20 kg/ 25 kg paper / pp bags Container Load: 20 Feet 12 ~ 13 MT (Approx) 40 Feet 25 ~ 27 MT (Approx)

Green Gram- Mung bean

Common Names: Mung Bean, Moong Bean, Green Gram, Golden Gram, Haricot mungo, Mungo, haricot doré. Botanical: Vigna radiata Family: Fabaceae

Uses And Benefits:

  • The mature whole or split seeds are used to make soup (Dal). The immature pods and young leaves are used as a vegetable.
  • The split seeds have their green testa removed and are pale yellow in color. They can be toasted and ground into flour, called gram flour (please do not confuse this with chickpea flour which is called Besan).
  • They can also be toasted or fried and used as a snack and starch can be extracted from ground split seeds.
  • Green gram can be used used in both sweet and savoury dishes. it can also be used for extracting starch or ground into flour called green gram flour or green moong dal flour.
  • Whole seeds: in Africa, whole seeds are boiled with maize (corn) or sorghum and eaten as a nutritive meal. in India and Pakistan to make dal (green gram soup). The soup is called Sabut Moong Dal, Green Moong Dal, Whole Green Mung Dal, or Whole Green Moong Dal. It is served with rice or chapati or naan. It can also be cooked with meat, prawns, fish, vegetables, or in sauces, and served with chapati or rice or seasoned with spices and freshly grated coconut.
  • The Split skinless seeds: the dried split seeds are pale yellow in color and are called, dal or dhal. In India and Pakistan, the split seeds are cooked as dal (green gram soup or sauce). it can also be fried and salted and eaten as a snack. Cooked split seeds can also be blended with liquid, sweetened and served as a beverage.
  • Mung Bean Starch: is extracted from ground mung beans and is used to make transparent cellophane noodles also called bean thread noodles, bean threads, or glass noodles.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)

Pigeon Peas

Common Names: arhar, tur, red gram. Botanical: Cajanus cajan Family: Fabaceae

Uses And Benefits: Though mainly cultivated for its edible seeds, Cajanus cajan can be considered a multipurpose species. Pigeon pea stems are a good fuel source, valued for pigeon pea's fast-growing habit, though their energy value is half that of charcoal. Stems and branches of pigeon pea are also used for basketry. Among other uses of pigeon pea, trials have shown a potential use as a raw material for paper pulp. Pigeon pea also contributes to the environment through its use in alley cropping and as a windbreak, cover crop, shade plant and green manure.

It uses in animal feeding. The leaves and pods are valuable and palatable protein-rich fodder. Leaves are sometimes used to replace alfalfa in ruminant diets where alfalfa cannot be grown. Seed processing by-products, and sometimes the whole seeds, are used as livestock feed. The seeds can be fed to poultry and, in Hawaii, mixtures of pigeon pea with maize grain were successful. Bees actively feed on pigeon pea and produce honey with a distinctive color (greenish) in the comb. Pigeon pea is also a good host for lac insects and silkworms. Plant breeders have bred varieties adapted to drier conditions, more resistant to disease and suited to different production systems and cropping cycles.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)

Sesame Seed

Common Names: Sesame seed Family: Pedaliaceae

Uses And Benefits:

Sesame seeds are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are commonly added to certain foods to provide a nutty flavor and crunchy texture.

Lower Your Cholesterol, Fight Infections, Oral Health, Oral Health, Controls Blood Pressure, Manages Diabetes, Weight Loss.

Sesame seeds are also used as an ingredient in soap, cosmetics, lubricants, and medicines.

Packing: customize/ 10 kg /25 Kg /50Kg bags Container Load: 20 Feet 15 ~ 20MT (Approx) 40 Feet 24 ~ 26MT (Approx)